Weathertightness and leaky buildings

As the company that first shone a light on the issue of leaky buildings, Prendos has unrivalled expertise in weathertightness and building defect investigation and remediation.

With a multi-disciplinary team including building surveyors, architects, structural engineers, quantity surveyors, valuers, project managers and legal experts, we provide a comprehensive service covering all stages of the investigation, design, remediation and dispute resolution process that few others in the industry can match.

Our weathertightness and leaky building services include:

Weathertightness and building defect investigation and reporting

The first step in dealing with a defective or leaky building is to investigate the extent and causes of the problem, with an initial investigation followed up by detailed investigation and destructive testing where necessary. Good information is critical for good decision making, and our chartered and registered building surveyors can assist with identifying and diagnosing building defects causing weathertightness and other issues, via:

Leaky and defective building dispute resolution and litigation

Many owners of defective and leaky buildings seek legal redress from parties deemed to have contributed to their loss. Certain laws limit time periods for parties to be held accountable, so it is critical to seek legal advice as early as possible. Thanks to our vast experience in this area, we are frequently called upon by legal teams to assist with leaky building disputes in and out of court. For more information see:

Weathertightness and defect remediation design

Solving weathertightness and other building defects, including structural and passive fire issues, requires a specialised approach and extensive experience. Prendos' architectural division, Respond Architects, have carried out remediation designs and peer reviews for countless homes, schools, commercial premises and multi-unit residential developments. Prendos also has in-house structural engineers and quantity surveyors who can provide specialised input into remediation designs and cost solutions as required. Our services include:

Managing the remediation process

Ensuring the remediation process is carried out correctly, dealing with any issues that crop up on site, and administering the construction contract require specialist expertise for a good outcome. With decades of experience in defective and leaky building investigation, reporting and remediation, including managing many large and complex remediation projects, Prendos can ensure the remediation process progresses smoothly and provide cost certainty, with:

What we can’t help with …

Unfortunately, we do not provide residential pre-purchase inspections on stand-alone homes. You can find a reputable building surveyor who provides this service via the New Zealand Institute of Building Surveyors (NZIBS) at

Weathertightness experts in action

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