Our experienced Building Surveyors investigate and collect evidence of material building damage, so the true value of the insured loss can be determined.
Working with the insured, loss adjustors and insurance companies, we’ve developed a wealth of knowledge through our insurance investigation work, particularly in the aftermath of the Canterbury earthquakes and Auckland floods.
Our in-house experts in building surveying, quantity surveying and structural engineering can work together as required to carry out comprehensive property damage assessments, and can also assist with bringing on board other specialists, depending on the type of claim. We can also provide repair and remediation proposals, together with accurate cost estimates, and project manage or monitor the remediation for quality assurance.
Policy response can be complex, so it is essential that qualified experts are retained to collect evidence of material damage. For the insured, we advocate that you seek legal advice to assist with your claim settlement.
Detailed property damage assessments
Preparation of our detailed photographic material damage schedules provides a record of the property damage at a point in time after an insured event.
In the case of recent earthquakes, multiple insured events occurred on some properties, each time creating further damage and new claims. A photographic record of damage provides you with the evidence needed to support reinstatement or cash settlement of claims.
Poor records of property damage often lead to incomplete reinstatement proposals and settlement claims that do not fully cover the true value of the repairs required. Missed information at the damage recording stage can result in inappropriate repair methodologies for the damaged components.
We understand that existing buildings can sometimes be complex and often require multi-disciplined teams to work together to determine the damage.
Depending on what is driving the claim – structural, asbestos, failure of claddings, smoke or water damage – we can assist you by providing the right expertise for each individual claim.
Dealing with disputed insurance claims
We have extensive expertise in working with legal advisors and the many experts required to reach satisfactory claim settlements through the courts, tribunals and mediations.
Reinstatement and betterment
We are often retained to develop reinstatement proposals and project manage the repairs required to remediate the damage. Often our clients see the repair of extensive damage to their property as an opportunity to introduce betterment works that enhance asset value. In this case, we work closely with loss adjustors and the insured to manage the delineation between the insured loss and betterment costs.