Accurate forecasts give shopping malls a clear path for future success

October 15, 2024
Accurate forecasts give shopping malls a clear path for future success - case study

Our client owns and operates a number of large shopping malls across New Zealand. The malls are well run and maintained by a full-time in-house facilities team, who manage operational maintenance expenditure to ensure the ongoing needs of all tenants are met.

This client approached Prendos to gain a better understanding of the likely planned preventative maintenance (PPM) tasks for each of their malls. They requested PPM plans for each mall to keep the structure and fabric, facilities, plant and equipment of the buildings in satisfactory operating condition. As a priority, they wanted to know if there were defects present and the extent of these, along with advice on remedies for repair and likely timing of works. As some elements were nearing end of life, they were also keen to get an independent opinion on the remaining life of these elements.

Prendos completed a systematic inspection of the external and internal fabric of common areas of the malls. This allowed us to prepare a detailed 10-year PPM plan for each mall, which identified short-, medium- and longer-term repair items and associated costs, along with potential CAPEX outlay (capital expenditures required to upgrade and maintain existing fixed assets and extend their useful life).

We reviewed the property file information and other available information for each building to ascertain when elements were placed in service. We worked with the client to understand their operational activity, so that we could accurately assess expected service life and maintenance requirements for each element. We collaborated closely with centre management during the completion of each survey, which allowed us to specifically tailor each plan, taking into consideration the specific needs of both management and owners, while also considering the wider plans for each centre.

Our condition assessments were adapted into a PPM plan for each mall. The PPM plans collate sufficient information to prioritise the timing of planned repairs or replacements, where items were deemed to have reached the end of their economic lives. The plans also bring together appropriately detailed information concerning the programming of the property maintenance for each mall, including cost liabilities, both for OPEX (repair and maintenance) and CAPEX expenditure.

Our PPM plans are intended to be organic, with continued reviews and updates over time ensuring they remain relevant and useful over the life of the plan.

We continue to work closely in partnership with our client over the life of the plan to update projections, so that our client always has an accurate tool for predicting the costs and benefits of undertaking works within the plan, as well as understanding the risks of not attending to recommendations.

Need help with a PPM plan? Feel free to reach out to us, or fill in the form below and have us call you back.

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