
As leaders within the property and construction sector, we recognise the positive impact we can have on our environment by influencing the projects we work on and people we work with, as well as making sustainability a fundamental part of our own business.

We believe our biggest impact comes from using our expertise to promote environmentally and socially responsible design and delivery of projects. In doing so we’re contributing to the transformation of the construction and property industry, and the transition to a circular and regenerative economy.

Alongside this, we’re leading by example and embedding sustainability in our own day-to-day operations, and we’re committed to tracking, managing and continually reducing our own impact on the planet.

Sustainable property and construction consulting services

On each project we’re involved in, we strive to embed sustainability as ‘the new norm’ by implementing best practice design and processes that reduce environmental impact.

We advocate for solutions that increase energy efficiency, reduce life-cycle carbon use, cleverly use and re-use resources, and prioritise the health, safety and wellbeing of the people who build and use buildings. We offer a wide range of specialist expertise in high performance building, including Homestar and Passive House certification, energy modelling, thermal bridge modelling and carbon life cycle analysis.

In every case, we balance environmental recommendations with affordability and buildability, to ensure that environmentally sustainable buildings remain commercially viable.

Our road to net zero emissions

We make sustainability an integral part of our business operations at every level, and we’re committed to the continual monitoring and improvement of our efforts wherever we can.

We’ve committed to actively measuring, managing and reducing our carbon footprint, so that we play our part in working towards global emissions reduction targets and a lower carbon future for all. While we are still in the early stages of this journey, we’re working hard to embed sustainability in all our business practices, from planning to procurement. Our culture of innovation leads us to seek out new opportunities and ways of working that help us continually reduce our environmental impact.

In 2022, our baseline year, Prendos’ greenhouse gas emissions were measured to be 229.45 tonnes, with our greatest contributors to emissions being vehicle and air travel, followed by electricity use, and emissions from waste.

In order to achieve our emission reduction targets, Prendos is strongly focused on making meaningful improvements to the way we do business. Changing staff behaviours to increase efficiency in the office, encouraging more sustainable ways to commute to work, using technology to reduce the need for physical travel, reducing our paper use and improving our recycling efforts will all play a part in helping us achieve our emission reduction targets.

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